Thursday, 27 October 2016

PURRFORM: relating to the vibrant sound that a cat makes when pleased.
PORNBROKER: lecherous person to whom people bring articles so that he will lend them money.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

PARADICE: ideal place for Eskimoes to live in.
PARADIME: 10-cent model of a US coin.
PAINSTALKING: scrupulous speech.
OVERCITE: use too many quotations.
OSTEMPTATION: showy display of items intended to attract buyers.
ORHETORICAL: relating to speech using words which sound impressive.
OILGARCHY: small group of powerful oil producers who controls suply and fixes prices.

Saturday, 22 October 2016

OCTOPLUS: rare species of sea animal with more than eight tentacles.
NEWSANCE: annoying, uninteresting information.
KNOWMAD: well-informed member of a roaming tribe.
NIGHTMERE: unpleasant, although not frightening dream.

Thursday, 20 October 2016

MILLIONHEIR: person who inherits one million pounds or more.
MATAERIAL: matter existing in the air.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

JUVENALE: strong beer recently brewed.
JUDISHERRY: body of judges who evaluate the wine orig. from Southern Spain.
SHERRYCAN: 20 litre container for wine orig.from Southern Spain.

Friday, 14 October 2016

HAVOCATION: strong desire to cause great destruction or chaos.
HALLIER: hotel porter whose job is to carry people's luggage and deliver it to their rooms.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

EXECAUTION: the act of carrying out carefully some activity or plan.
ENTERTRAIN: amuse passengers on a train.
EMERE: pure and simple Muslim title of honour.
EMBARKO: order forbidding to board a ship due to a serious emergency.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

DISCIPLENARIAN: person who enforces strict discipline in a session attended by all members.
DISHAPPEAR: at a cocktail party, delicacies that vanish quickly from the table.
DISHAGREE: have a different opinion about a certain kind of cooked food.
DINNAR: wrong word for chief meal of the day used by some English speaking travellers in certain Balkan and Middle Eastern countries.
DIMENTIONABLE: measurement in any one direction that can be talked about.
DIGNITORY: member of the British Conservative Party holding a high rank or position
DEVOLITION: devolving something out of one's own will.