Saturday, 20 August 2016

Sunday, 14 August 2016

SERMONK: member of a religious community in charge of giving talks on a religious subject.
SEAFARI: expedition to observe large mammals like dolphins and whales.
RESULTAN: successor to a previous Muslim sovereign.
REQUIET: do or give something in return in a discreet, unassuming manner.
REPLICAR: exact copy of an old automobile.
REGUARDLESS: without paying attention to the person (soldier, policeman or prison officer) who is watching over something.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

RECOGNATION: acknowledge as people living in a particular country under one government.
REASHORE: restore confidence in the safety of a beach.
REARWORDS: of words towards the end of a paragraph.
RAMSOM: price demanded for the release of a stolen male sheep.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

PALESTONIAN: person who has double nationality, Palestinian and Estonian.
PADDUCK: small field where ducks are held.
ONWORDS: Re: "My new words", which grow in number from day to day.
HORNITHOLOGY: study of horns.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

UNCOMING: departing.
OMEAGRE: a very lower case Greek letter omicron.
OMBUSMAN: person appointed by a bus company to investigate passenger complaints.
BOATMEAL: dish consisting mainly of mashed oats mixed with other food ingredients and served on board a motor launch.
NATURORALLY: spoken in a natural manner.

Monday, 1 August 2016

MULTIAPPLICATION: way of saving time and effort by emailing one's CV simultaneously to various employers when applying for a job
MOUNTAINUOUS: long, uninterrupted mountain range.
MINIMOM: small sized mother
MILITORYSM: absolute confidence in the policies of the British Conservative Party
MAGNANIMOUSE: rare species of small, generous rodent who of his own accord decides not to nibble on food or clothes
MAGISTRAIGHT: incorruptible law officer who would never accept a bribe
LEGINTIMATE: give legal status to close personal relations